8 Tips for Glowing, Supple Skin: Food, Beauty Treatments, and More

One way to know you’re nurturing and nourishing yourself properly is through your skin. If you’re glowing, it most likely means you’re doing a good job taking care of yourself, inside and out. This is why it’s important to be aware of healthy skincare habits.
Some may be blessed with naturally smooth and beautiful skin throughout their life. The rest of us, well, we need to invest some time, love, and patience to get that glowing skin we all crave.
Here are some skincare tips you can practice day in and day out.
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1. Control your sugar and coffee intake
Wondering why you always look tired and dull?
Can’t get rid of those baggy eyes and dark circles?
Too much sugar may be the reason asides from having insufficient sleep.
Sugar can bind with your body’s molecules and keep cells from functioning correctly and further damage them. This means your collagen and elastin will have a hard time doing their job in keeping your complexion looking young and tight.
Consider swapping your coffee for green tea; your skin will thank you in the long run!
2. Sweat it out
Ever experienced that post-workout glow?
Exercise causes your cheeks to blush and your skin to glow with good health and energy. It helps increase your blood circulation, which is good for your skin – in and out. Working out also helps release toxins and impurities through your skin, leaving it smoother and softer.
Sweating doesn’t just limit working out. Spending some time in a sauna or steam room can do the trick, too!
3. Wear sunscreen for extra protection
You might have heard this a million times, but it simply indicates that sunscreen is beneficial and effective. Most wrinkles are caused by sun exposure. This is why applying sunscreen is not restricted to summertime only.
Be sure to use it every day even when you’re in the office or your car, UV rays can penetrate through glass too. Asides from helping you maintain glowing skin, sunscreen lowers the risks of skin cancer.
4. Hydrate
Asides from exercise, drinking enough water can help increase circulation, too. This results in healthier and suppler skin. Water is also good for overall health because it helps in the flow, digestion, absorption of nutrients, and excretion – in short, it helps the body run smoothly.
There is no doubt the skin loves moisture, so be sure to drink water to avoid dryness and help your body get rid of toxins that cause inflammation, acne breakouts, and imperfections. Proper hydration keeps your skin elastic and dense, which helps reduce fine lines.
5. Consume foods with Antioxidants and Biotin
Antioxidants help maintain the skin firm, calm inflammation, encourage the growth of new cells, and reduce the appearance of scars and wrinkles. Consume foods bursting with this such as fruits and vegetables in shades of blue, red, orange, and green.
For flexible skin, biotin can do the trick. It is a vitamin B involved in converting food into energy and helps metabolize fats and proteins. Some biotin-rich foods are nuts, eggs, and vegetables.
6. Get some sleep
Everyone needs their beauty sleep. Sleep deprivation has a lot of negative effects, and it will most likely show through your skin and eyes. Not getting enough sleep can cause a poor water balance leading to puffy eye bags and causing your collagen to break down and lessen your skin’s glow.
Be sure to get at least 7 hours of sleep to reach deep, restorative sleep, which is when cell renewal kicks into high heat.
7. Practice an effective skincare routine
Developing a skincare routine is important – and no one else, besides your dermatologist, knows what products work for your skin. Take note of these items that give you good results.
Stick to them and make them part of your skin routine. This doesn’t mean you should use a whole lot of them. Using different ingredients can be irritating and may cancel out the benefits of other products you are applying to.
8. Trust your skin to a Professional
There’s no better place to ask for help than from professionals if you want to level up on your skincare. Aesthetic Clinics, like Blink Beauty Clinic, offer various effective treatments for any skin type. You can try beauty treatments that will help you achieve flawless, glowing, and supple skin.
These treatments can get rid of acne, erase skin pigmentation, reduce wrinkles, slow down premature aging, and more. Asides from procedures, the professionals can give some advice on how to care for your skin at home.
Trusting professionals is a sure way to achieve that glowing skin. Besides, we deserve a “me time” once in a while and enjoy being treated like royalty!
Infographic Provided By Dermal Filler Injections Company, Revanesse
About The Author:
Jade Sohn is a freelance content writer and fan of adventure. A writer by day and poet by night, she likes traveling alone and meeting new people.