10 Cannabis Products You Need Right Now for Your Beautiful Skin

Who knew that cannabis would find its way from that tin in your bag all the way to your dressing table or bathroom cabinet?
The number of topical creams and beauty products that contain cannabis products has grown in today’s marketplace.
With recent research showing the potential benefit of cannabis-infused products and legislation creating space, it is little wonder that the world of cosmetics has joined the cannabis industry and is available at the best marijuana online delivery services.
Over the past several decades the amount of research into cannabis that has been carried out has grown in almost every area. Medical cannabis products have been readily available to cardholders for quite some time now.
Even medicines containing cannabis are currently being prescribed to sufferers of illnesses such as multiple sclerosis and arthritis.
The pain relieving properties of cannabis are not the only ones that are being researched either. Cannabis has shown that it can be beneficial in a wide variety of health-related aspects.
So you see, the potential plusses attached to cannabis are still being looked at. So far the list is long and becoming longer by the day.
More and more products are finding their way onto the shelves of marijuana delivery services across the country.
Table of Contents
- Cannabis and skin
- Option #1: Goodwitch Lip Balm
- Option #2: Hemp Soap (The Body Shop)
- Option #3: Hemp Hand Protector (Body Shop)
- Option #4: Marley Natural Hemp Seed Body Wash
- Option #5: Dope Soap (Flynn & King)
- Option #6: Dixie Synergy Relief Balm
- Option #7: Dixie Bath Soak
- Option #8: Mary’s Medical Topical Compound
- Option #9: Dr. Bronner’s Shaving Soap
- Option #10: Hempz Yuzu & Starfruit Dry oil body spray
- Final words.
Cannabis and skin
The use of cannabis-infused products such as topical ointments containing the drug date back to the early history of the plant. It has always been used for medicinal purposes, in many cultures and for as far back as the plant is mentioned.
When applied to the skin, cannabis oils can offer hydrating effects and some even have the added benefit of containing active THC which will get you high.
The full spectrum of benefits cannabis and its ingredients can have for the skin is yet to be fully explored.
So far there has been enough research to show that certain ingredients found in cannabis can be used in certain ways to great effect. Some have anti-aging properties while others have more of a re-hydrating effect.
In a growing market such as this, there are many cannabis-based skincare products out there to choose from. We have put together a guide to the 10 cannabis products you need right now for your beautiful skin.
Option #1: Goodwitch Lip Balm
The first item on our list is more of a warm-up as it is not yet readily available. Quietly setting the pace for cosmetic products that use active THC to get the wearer high, is a small New York-based company called Goodwitch.
This glossy lip balm uses extracts of both THC or tetrahydrocannabinol and CBD or cannabidiol. The use of both Californian and local strains allows for a powerful result. Goodwich also contains chamomile oil as well as coconut oil; both have calming properties for a dehydrated smile.
Option #2: Hemp Soap (The Body Shop)
Soap on a rope. Oh, and it’s made of hemp. For years the folks at The Body Shop have been vocal about the health benefits of hemp seed oil.
Here all those health benefits come in the form of a cannabis leaf shaped bar of soap attached to a piece of thick hemp rope. The dark green coloration makes its link to cannabis even more loudly heard.
Option #3: Hemp Hand Protector (Body Shop)
Also from the hemp-lovers that are The Body Shop, here is a great little hand cream. The Body Shop’s Hemp Hand Protector utilizes the hydrating properties of the oil produced by nearly a thousand hemp seeds in every tube.
This trusty little hand cream has swiftly become one of the best-selling creams on the market.
Option #4: Marley Natural Hemp Seed Body Wash
The Marley family are fresh from releasing their new Bob Marley cannabis line, which includes strains and cannabis-based products aplenty. Now they also have a line of skincare products including oils and lotions.
This, however, is their body wash. This body wash has light notes of eucalyptus and ginger which give it a beautiful fragrance.
Option #5: Dope Soap (Flynn & King)
Flynn & King bring a strong contender to the skincare market with this bathroom soap. Here is one of the dopest soaps in the game.
First of it is an absolutely great looking bar of soap. It is a great addition to any beauty counter or bathroom décor. But when you dig a little deeper, you can see that the people at Flynn & King really do know what they are doing.
The various green teas and clays combine with hemp oil and mango seed butter to offer anti-aging and moisturizing properties to dry brittle skin.
Option #6: Dixie Synergy Relief Balm
Utilising the pain relieving properties of a 1:1 ratio of THC and CBD, this balm was specifically designed to treat pain and reduce inflammation.
Although it does contain active THC and CBD, you will not get high from using this product and the other ingredients such as olive oil, cocoa butter, and beeswax are all aimed at the soothing sore skin.
Option #7: Dixie Bath Soak
Showing that they are by no means a one-trick pony, Dixie Elixirs have added another great product to the list of cannabis-infused skincare products with their bath soak.
A muscle relieving bath soak that has been championed by pro athletes all over the world, Dixie Bath Soak uses pure THC extracted using CO2, which calms aching muscles far better than normal bath salts. Cedarwood and lavender are amongst the soothing aromas that they use to fragrance it.
Option #8: Mary’s Medical Topical Compound
This topical compound was developed to be used on the skin. The THC and CBD found within are formulated in such a way as to reduce the soreness of muscles and lessen inflammation. The slick design of the packaging and the wide use of this seemingly all-around balm make it a great cannabis-based product.
Option #9: Dr. Bronner’s Shaving Soap
Dr. Bronner is known for their world renowned 18-in-1 soap, but here they bring a new product to the market with their Shaving Soap.
This Shaving soap is specifically designed to use the hydrating effect of hemp oil to battle dryness during and after shaving. They advertise it as being good for both the face and legs and say that it has a Tea Tree formula which has a soothing and protecting quality.
Option #10: Hempz Yuzu & Starfruit Dry oil body spray
This is no ordinary SPF spray, not by a long shot. Hempz Yuzu and Starfruit herbal moisturizing dry oil body spray use an infusion of 100 percent pure hemp oil to hydrate the skin.
They also employ their signature mix of fruit extracts here to add great fragrance and light texture to this daily spray. The massive selling point of this spray is that it offers protection from damaging sun rays up to SPF 30.
Final words.
As you can see there are a lot of great products out there. We thank you for taking the time to read our guide. If you have any further questions regarding cannabis and skincare then please do not hesitate to get in touch. If you found this guide helpful then please share it with others over social media.
About The Author:
Ashley Jacobs is a professional blogger covering various news and topics related to health benefits of cannabis. Currently, working for Pot Valet- a leading online marijuana shop that delivers marijuana. John has extensively written about medical marijuana and related products. Follow his company on G+ and Facebook.