How To Create Health-Focused New Year’s Resolutions That You Will Stick To!

New Year is a time of hope and optimism for many as most people make New Year’s resolutions about things they are aspiring to positively change about themselves to become better people.
However as well-meaning as these intentions usually are it is too common for people to abandon their resolutions as life gets in the way.
This article hopes to inspire more effective ways people can stick to their New Year’s resolutions in the coming year.
Table of Contents
- Be Realistic And Create Micro Goals
- Make A Pro’s And Con’s List Of You Achieving Your Goals
- Talk About It But Don’t Just Say It For The Sake Of It
- Reward Yourself
- Track Your Progress
- Don’t Beat Yourself Up Too Much About Occasionally Not Sticking To Your Goals
- Create A Routine And Try To Stick To It The Best Your Can
- Conclusion
Be Realistic And Create Micro Goals
One of the main reasons people’s New Year resolutions quickly fall apart is that they have not been realistic in their goals. Instead of framing your goals as “this year I am going to run a marathon” you should frame your goals as you want to get continuously better a running. Once you are well on your way you can then start thinking about running that marathon!
Splitting larger goals into smaller, more achievable goals is not only good practice for achieving fitness goals. This technique helps you more effectively achieve a myriad of goals that you may have within your life.
Splitting your larger goals into smaller goals is effective as you can propel yourself forward each time you meet smaller goals, meeting each goal will make you feel good about yourself and will often inspire you to want to achieve the next goal.
Before you know it you will hopefully be making good progress on the larger goals that you may have.
Make A Pro’s And Con’s List Of You Achieving Your Goals
Ensuring that you are aware of the various benefits of achieving your goals and the negatives of not achieving them can help motivate you to pull your finger out and start working on your goals.
During this process, you may formulate additional reasons to ensure that you achieve your goals which can only increase your motivation.
Talk About It But Don’t Just Say It For The Sake Of It
By talking about your goals with others you can further solidify them in your head and make them seem more ‘real’ which can be good motivation.
Additionally, your friends and family that you have told about your goals may periodically check up on your progress. You will either be able to show your progress or have to explain yourself!
In the case of fitness goals you may even be able to convince select friends and family members to join in and create a set of fitness-focused goals for them; this can be effective for both of you as you can motivate each other to keep working out and even work out together.
Working out with other people can provide people with more motivation than what they would normally have when working out by themselves.
Reward Yourself
Whenever you hit a milestone within your goal you should reward your efforts by treating yourself. How you decide to treat yourself is highly dependent upon you, if your fitness goal is to lose weight you shouldn’t feel bad about treating yourself with some junk food or confectionary as a treat.
As long as you keep up your fitness routine and don’t overindulge your fitness goals will not be compromised. During your fitness journey when your body starts to become slimmer and leaner, you can consider rewarding yourself with some new luxury streetwear to highlight your fitness progress.
Track Your Progress
When you are first starting on your fitness journey you should mark your current abilities, such as how far you can run or how much weight you can lift. You can use this as a reference point later on in your fitness journey to show how far you have come.
You can also take photos of yourself when you are just starting to work out or run and compare how your body looks a few months down the line. This works for both losing weight and building muscle, both of these can cause fairly dramatic changes to the physique of your body.
You can also make use of technology when tracking your fitness progress, particularly when you are running. You can download fitness apps on your phone that can track how far and fast you run, you can then see charts and graphs that show your progress over time.
Looking at your progress over a longer period can give you a reason to keep pushing yourself to achieve further goals.
Don’t Beat Yourself Up Too Much About Occasionally Not Sticking To Your Goals
Of course, you should ensure that for the majority of the time you are sticking to your goals but the occasional slip-up isn’t the end of the world!
It can be easy to slip into despair over these smaller setbacks which could potentially cascade into something larger that further impedes your fitness goals.
If you do face minor setbacks over not sticking to your goals, you could consider setting even smaller goals such as how often you work out a week this can help you stick to a routine.
Create A Routine And Try To Stick To It The Best Your Can
When people first start on exercise routines they are statistically more likely to falter and stop exercising, this is partly because they have not had the chance to set up a proper exercise routine yet.
Experts say that it can take 21 days for a new activity to become routine and can take 6 months for this new activity to become part of your personality.
Creating routines is useful when motivating yourself to exercise as you know exactly when you should be exercising, meaning that you can better motivate yourself to show up to those training sessions on the date and time you have set.
Creating goals and sticking to them in the new year can help you pick up habits that can make you healthier, happier, and more successful in the years to come.
About The Author:
Emma Davis is an enthusiastic writer who focuses on the fascinating realm of health and fitness. She is deeply committed to encouraging people to lead balanced and active lives. Throughout her career, Emma Davis has devoted herself to assisting individuals in attaining optimal well-being through her captivating and enlightening freelance writing.