Just How Much Do Humans Care About Looks – Insights on Cosmetic Surgery Trends Worldwide

After all these ages, physical appearance and beauty are still regarded as the utmost prized possessions. People have been using cosmetic procedures to restore their youthful appearance, correct deformities, and enhance their self-confidence.
And all this with the expectation that their perfect physique will improve their status in society. Added to that, advances in clinical science have even further increased the types of cosmetic surgeries available worldwide.
Today, a full scope of corrective methods are offered around the world, be that as it may, the prominence of these surgical procedures changes between various nations. This report covers cosmetic procedure trends and hotspots around the world.
Breast augmentation is the most talked about cosmetic surgery worldwide. This is very much mirrored by the overall insights derived from the report with 15.5% of all other cosmetic procedures being breast implants.
Second, breast augmentation is liposuction – a cosmetic surgery that involves the removal of fatty tissues from the body leaving the patient with a leaner body. The least famous procedure is labiaplasty – with only 1.3% of the overall populace deciding on this. Second to last, is breast implant removal, with 1.6% of the world may be feeling they’ve gone excessively far in their quest for flawlessness.
As expected, North America is the leader in cosmetic surgery prominence over the world. This may be partly due to the US’s position and influence in directing the world’s preferences and impression of conventional beauty.
With Hollywood’s obsession with youthfulness and beauty, it should not be a shocking reality. South America also rates exceptionally high on the world map on cosmetic surgery but this could be because of cheaper rates of cosmetic procedures in S.A than in North America which may be responsible for attracting foreign clients.
Likewise, Japan is also profoundly famous for plastic surgery. As more and more Japanese individuals opt for eyelid surgeries in a bid to achieve a more ‘open’ shape of eyes, there is a big factor of increasing westernization of Asian culture behind this trend.
A clearer picture of the world’s surgical preferences can be drawn when we break down the data into specific surgeries offered worldwide. Here is an illustration from the report highlighting the prominence of various surgical procedures offered within each country.
To make sure that you don’t overlook the entire idea behind this campaign by getting lost amidst the facts and figures, the report consists of a very engaging and informative section that consists of an interactive world map.
This is no ordinary map as it is built using Tableau. As you choose a particular nation, it moves along and shows the notoriety of every single cosmetic procedure offered within that region. Similarly, it shows just how famous a particular method is as you select one of them from the list, by varying depths of color.
Another interesting side of the report is the one that shows that both men and women now spend an equivalent amount of time and money on their appearances.
As much as this shows a modern shift in the social culture, it also shows that women still are way ahead of men when it comes to certain procedures. This can be explained by the fact that most of the cosmetic surgery procedures offered throughout the years have been customized for the ladies.
Interestingly, all the other procedures that are not mutually exclusive between men and women – like liposuction and tummy tucks are undertaken by men more than women by an enormous margin of 85% and 86% percent respectively.