Laser Hair Removal Treatment – Essential Things To Know Before You Get it

Tired of shaving, tweezing, waxing and using epilators to get rid of unwanted hair to have smooth skin for longer? Then you are in the right place for information. Excessive hair growth in unwanted areas of the body has always been an issue for all women and some men, so they restored to traditional methods, but these methods are time-consuming, painful and have to be repeated every 2 to 3 weeks to have a smooth skin at all times. These traditional methods are also expensive in the long run. This is the reason why many people are looking for other ways to remove unwanted hair on their body and one such method is laser hair removal treatment done on the laser machine by an expert aesthetician.
Unwanted hair removal on laser machines has become the most sought-after beauty treatment Australia wide and the rest of the world as it is a non-invasive way to reduce hair growth and offer a cost-effective solution. However, hair removal packages with laser machines don’t come cheap, so it is always better to know beforehand what will work and know essential things before shelling out the hard earned cash.
Here are the essential things you should know before booking an appointment at the laser clinic.
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Ensure laser hair removal is right for you
Laser hair removal works by emitting a concentrated beam of light targeting the melanin in hair which absorbs the light and converts it into heat thereby destroying the hair. The process works best on people with dark hair and light skin tone whereas, on blonde hair, the laser is ineffective or may require more sessions to see results, this is because the pigment in hair attracts the laser, so darker hair absorbs the laser light more effectively.
However, this doesn’t mean that it won’t work for you. With the advancement in technology and manufacturing of sophisticated lasers, people with light, fine hair and darker skin can get good results from laser hair removal treatment. You need to do a bit of research to ensure that the hair removal clinic you wish to visit has the right equipment on hand to have a safe laser hair removal treatment.
It’s not as painful as you may think
Laser hair removal is not exactly painless, but it is tolerable. The patient feels a sensation of a rubber band snapping for a millisecond on the skin as the laser moves over the treatment area. The movement of the laser is very quick so the sensation won’t linger on. As far as post-laser hair removal risks are concerned, people with sensitive skin may feel a warm sensation, itchiness, and redness which will disappear within a few hours. To help reduce the skin irritation, aestheticians apply cooling gel before and after the treatment.
Don’t settle for any laser clinic
In Australia, there are different regulations about what type of experience is needed to operate a laser hair removal system. Blistering, hyperpigmentation and scarring could occur if you are not in the right hands for the laser treatment. So, it is essential that you choose a certified clinician well trained in handling the laser machines just like the Melbourne Laser & Aesthetic Centre. They have highly qualified with a University degree clinicians with many years of professional experience. Also, the experienced clinicians use the most innovative Duetto Mixed Technology laser hair removal system. This laser technology uses two lasers in one Alexandrite and Nd: YAG laser delivering superior results for all skin types by firing simultaneous and sequential pulses of light.
Avoid sun exposure
During the consultation, the clinician tells you to avoid the sun and tanning beds before the treatment. Why? Because if your skin is tanned, the laser machine won’t be able to distinguish between the melanin and skin color and may lead to burns and blistering. After laser treatment also it is recommended to avoid the sun because the skin is sensitive and sun exposure can lead to redness and blisters. If you want to go out in the sun, wear a sunscreen with SPF 30 or more and cover up the treatment area.
Those as mentioned above are a few essential things to know before you head to your local laser clinic.
About The Author:
Adele holds a degree in aesthetics and skin care technology and is highly qualified with over 10 years of experience. She has been working with Melbourne Laser & Aesthetic Centre for the past 3 years. She has a flair for writing as well and provides insights into how laser hair removal and other aesthetic devices work.