Hemp Protein: A Vegan’s Best Friend

As a vegan, finding a strong, natural source of healthy protein can be a daily battle but now a new solution is on hand – hemp protein. This plant-based vegan ingredient is the perfect addition to every vegan diet, providing amazing health benefits and helping to support your system.
Hemp comes from the cannabis plant but doesn’t contain any of the compounds associated with the drug, making it perfectly safe. It offers a great option for vegans although anyone can benefit from the many good health features which come from incorporating it into your daily diet.
Hemp protein can help to support many of the body’s systems so whether you just need a health boost, or you are looking for than benefits then adding hemp protein into your diet is a must-do task.
Focus Performance’s Hemp Protein is highly recommended and their page is a very good resource if you want to find out more. Check it out here https://www.focusperformance.co.uk/products/hemp-protein
Here are some of the key reasons why hemp protein is a vegan’s best friend:
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Pure protein
Hemp protein is made from hemp seeds which contain all 20 essential amino acids making it one of the purest and complete sources of protein available. Amino acids help to support the body’s protein production.
Low-fat Protein Source
While hemp seeds actually contain fat, hemp protein is a very low-fat source because the fat is largely removed during the processing of the seeds. As a low-fat protein, hemp is easier to digest and can help promote a healthy, lean body. Three tablespoons of hemp protein will contain roughly 90 calories, 3 grams of fat and 15 grams of protein.
Metabolism Booster
Protein needs more energy from your body to be digested compared with carbs and fats so consuming it can help to boost your natural metabolism rate.
Energy Booster
Hemp contains iron, zinc, and magnesium, providing much of your daily requirements of these three nutrients which are essential for boosting energy levels when on a plant-based diet. They are also easier for your body to absorb in this form, than in supplements.
Fiber Boost
Hemp protein contains the most fiber of any plant-based protein – just a few tablespoons contains more fiber than a bowl of oats or two bananas making it a fantastic fiber source. Fiber can help to regulate blood sugar levels and help with digestion.
Cheap to Buy
As a very healthy source of protein, hemp protein comes with a surprisingly low price tag, particularly when compared with the large tubs of processed protein which can be bought from the shops.
Distinctive Flavor
Hemp protein has a distinct nutty flavor which works well in smoothie blends, making it easy to incorporate it into your diet. It works well with all types of fruit and other regular smoothie ingredients. Alternatively, you can use it to replace flour in baking or create your own protein bar recipe using it.
Low in Carbs
Hemp protein might be high in fiber and other good things but it is also low in carbohydrates so if you are trying to lower your carbs, this amazing ingredient can still help keep your healthy diet on track.
Omega 3
Hemp protein is packed full of essential fatty acids which help improve brain function and support the heart.
Fights Inflammation
Hemp protein contains chlorophyll which can help protect against inflammation within your body. It also contains potassium which helps fight joint aches and muscle cramps.
Easy to Digest
Hemp protein is very easy for our bodies to digest making it even more beneficial for our health – it is far easier on our digestive systems than any of the harsher processed protein powders available in the shops.
Hemp protein is an amazing addition to any vegan diet, being completely natural and plant-based itself, but also providing unrivaled health benefits throughout the body. It is the perfect addition to any vegan regime, supporting and strengthening the body and providing help for many essential systems.
If you are new to a vegan diet and looking to ensure you don’t lose out on any nutrients then make sure to add hemp protein into your daily eating routine. It’s really easy to add to a diet as well by adding it to smoothies. It combines perfectly with fruit, vegetables, and other traditional smoothie ingredients so look out for tasty recipes online which can be easily knocked together.
It can also be used in baking and as an ingredient in other types of meals, to help incorporate it if you don’t fancy drinking it all the time. And rest assured, while it does come from the same plant as marijuana, hemp protein is perfectly safe to consume regularly as all of the harmful chemicals which create the drug high have been removed during the manufacturing and processing journey.