[Infographic] The Complete Guide to a Healthy Move: Body, Mind, and Spirit

The stress and anxiety of moving can have a big impact on the entire experience. So too could an injury or a breakdown of relationships between family members. While it may be impossible to prevent all the things that could go wrong with a move, there are things you can do to stay as healthy as possible.
Below, we’ll go over some tips on how to protect your physical, mental, and emotional health when moving house.
First, there’s taking care of your physical health and well-being. The physical toll of moving goes beyond the muscle strain of hauling box after box. All too often, families face sleep deprivation, headaches, and even indigestion as they carry out all that goes into a relocation. Knowing this, there are ways to prepare and hopefully avoid such ailments.
One tip is to get plenty of rest. Although this is typically easier said than done, having everyone follow a healthy sleep schedule could go a long way in fighting stress. It could even help prevent mishaps, as so many moving-related accidents stem from sleep deficiency. Along the same lines is eating healthy and staying hydrated. With all the dishes packed, it may seem like convenience food is the best route. However, unhealthy food choices can lead to indigestion or worse. Instead, take time to prepare healthy meals and snacks before moving day.
Exercise and stretching are also recommended to help preserve physical health. Injuries, especially back-related ones, could throw a whole moving plan off course. When it comes time to lift boxes and heavy furniture, be sure everyone limbers up first. Additionally, you’ll want to utilize proper body mechanics and moving services to get the job done right and avoid injury.
Certain exercises can be beneficial for the mind as well. For instance, breathing techniques and mindfulness-boosting activities can help in managing stress and mitigating the negative impacts of moving on mental health. Protecting this part of your overall well-being may also involve taking time to mentally prepare for the realities of this life-changing event. This could entail saying goodbye to friends, neighbors, and the old home as well as making plans for your new life.
Speaking of friends, an important step in caring for your emotional health during a relocation is to reach out for support. It could be from friends, family members, or even a reliable team of moving professionals who know how to make a move go smoothly. With all that’s required for moving, remembering that it’s OK to ask for help is a vital part of looking after yourself.
Despite the challenges of moving, there are opportunities for personal growth and positivity. The key is to frame the experience in the best light possible, get the support you need, and take care of your health along the way. Want to learn more about protecting your health during a move?
Check out the accompanying resource.
Infographic provided by Move Central