Supplementary Varicose Vein Treatment: 2 “Life Hacks” That Work

It’s important to state right up front that the “life hacks” we are about to describe should NOT be used as a substitution for seeking the professional opinion of a vein specialist at a varicose vein treatment center! Further, they are not going to magically repair the damaged walls of varicose veins of the damaged vein valves within these veins. If you have varicose veins that are causing major symptoms like edema and leg pain, you’ll need professional varicose vein treatment like sclerotherapy, laser treatment (EVLT), radiofrequency therapy, ClariVein, or ambulatory phlebectomy to make these symptoms go away completely.
Okay, having said the above, these life hacks can, in fact, improve your varicose vein condition and eliminate or reduce some of the most life-altering symptoms that degrade your daily quality of life.
Life Hack #1: Use a Rolling Pin On Your Legs
Yes, we are talking about the same exact kind of rolling pin you use to roll out biscuit dough and those delicious holiday cookies with sprinkles! The idea here is to massage the fleshy parts of your legs to get pooled blood circulating again and your lymph flowing better. At the same time, it will also loosen up the connective tissue overlaying your muscles and vessels, and this too can aid in blood flow and lymph flow.
To use a rolling pin as a supplementary varicose vein treatment tool, sit in a comfortable position and put your feet up on a footstool or another chair. Gently roll your calf muscles, directly mid center and then off center to each side. It is best to roll toward your heart so you begin to move the pooled blood in your lower extremities toward the heart. You can also roll up and down but put slightly more pressure when rolling toward the heart. Next, roll both the front side and back side of your thighs, both in the center of the top thigh and bottom thigh and then off to the left and right on both the top thigh and bottom thigh.
While you may be tempted to apply strong pressure, this supplementary varicose vein treatment actually works much better if you roll softly and apply only gentle pressure. You’ll also want to be extra gentle in the area on the back side of your knee because it can be quite tender. If you feel a stiffened or sore place, spend some extra time gently rolling that specific spot until it relaxes and is no longer stiff or sore.
If you prefer something fancier than a baker’s rolling pin, you can search for a “massage roller stick” or a “massage stick roller” on Amazon or through Google. These are a little bit more comfortable to use, and easier to use, than an ordinary rolling pin. Some have ridges on them too that further massage your legs. Others are wrapped in thick foam which makes rolling around hardened tendons and bones more comfortable. However, if you already have a rolling pin, you might want to try this first as a supplementary varicose vein treatment and then “graduate” to a fancier massage roller if you find this technique helps you.
Life Hack #2: Use a Tennis Ball For Myofascial Release
Myofascial release is a technique that is gaining respect among the health conscious to achieve a healthier body overall and improve recovery after a workout. It’s also a great supplemental varicose vein treatment because it loosens up the connective tissue around the muscles that force venous blood back tot he heart when they contract. Most people don’t realize that connective tissue helps the muscles function better and it functions better in this role when it is looser. Many people don’t realize that muscular contraction is what forces more than ninety percent of the blood back to the heart.
You can also use the ball used in racquetball for this life hack or the type of ball people squeeze to release stress. The basic idea is to lay on the floor, or the bed, and place the ball on “trigger points,” stiff points in your connective tissue and muscles that have seized up. You can simply lie perfectly still with the ball in place and wait for the stiffened areas to relax or you can move your body slightly for a trigger point massage. Sometimes, you will not get a relaxation of stiffened areas the first time you try to be patient.
You can also buy much fancier “massage balls” online. The biggest advantage to these, other than the fact they look cooler than a tennis ball, is they come in a variety of sizes and firmness values. In fact, if you really shop it, you can sometimes find a pack containing a wide variety of massage balls to try. If you have a selection of ball sizes and firmness values, you can experiment and find which balls work best as your supplemental varicose vein treatment.
To receive a free evaluation of your veins to determine if you need clinical varicose vein treatment, and the type you need (EVLT, sclerotherapy, etc), contact Metro Vein Centers. This is a national chain of vein clinics that specialize in varicose vein treatment exclusively. The vein doctors at Metro Vein Clinics are some of the best in the business so you can’t go wrong with varicose vein treatment from Metro.