7 Diseases That Can Be Treated By Using Cannabis

In the last few decades, medicinal marijuana has emerged as an effective treatment for innumerable diseases. The medical fraternity is opening up to the possibility that cannabis can be a solution for chronic diseases and illnesses. By now, we all are aware that people are putting marijuana to use in treating their medical conditions. Although cannabis cannot magically cure you, it can certainly help soothe the symptoms of many ailments. Here is how it can help combat a few diseases:
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1. Depression:
The human body has an endocannabinoid system, which produces receptors that interacts with the cells, hormones, and organs. These receptors can influence how we humans react to situations, process our thoughts, and even impact the cognitive abilities to handle stress or pain. When the endocannabinoid system fails to function effectively, it can put you at the risk of developing depression or anxiety. Cannabis produces compounds like cannabidiol or tetrahydrocannabinol. They are similar to the ones that are present in our body. So, if the brain lacks to produce these chemicals, cannabis can make up for the deficiency and take away depression. It has been backed up by a clinical study by the University of Buffalo’s Research Institute proves how marijuana can reduce chronic stress in rats.
2. Epilepsy:
Epilepsy can cause seizures or electrical storms, which one can adequately reduce by using a unique CBD formula. Cannabidiol or CBD is a compound found in cannabis, which is non-psychoactive. It implies that CBD cannot get you high. Medical scientists have come up with a unique formula with CBD that can bring down the chances of seizures by at least 50% if not more. A 2015 research of Langone Medical Centre discusses how CBD can suppress seizures and help people suffering from epilepsy. Such is the advancement in this field that researchers can alter the cannabis compounds to treat each individual’s condition.
3. Cancer:
Thousands of people today have cancer and its debilitating symptoms like pain, nausea, and loss of appetite. Cannabis can cause neither cure cancer, nor can it diminish the symptoms altogether. But, what cannabis can do for such people is to reduce the discomfort and agony. Treatments like chemotherapy can cause adverse effects on the person, from neuropathic pain to vomiting. With the use of quality cannabis strains like indica, cancer patients have to experience lesser amounts of vomiting and nausea. It can also ease the neuropathic pain and give a boost to the appetite.
HIV /AIDS remains to be an incurable disease. While there is no cure known to humankind, what we do know is that cannabis can still get the patients some relief. HIV directly weakens the immunity system of the affected person, causing disorientation and a plethora of other symptoms. Marijuana can help you take the blow by softening the impact of the virus. HIV positive people who indulge in cannabis, have known to experience better mood, increased appetite, better sleep cycles, and minor inflammations. It was evident from a study on people who have HIV, done by Columbia University, New York.
5. Alzheimer’s:
The most important cause of Alzheimer’s is the increasing production of beta-amyloid proteins, leading to the development of plaques in the human brain. Besides that, it can significantly reduce peptides in the amino acids, which are necessary for the brain to function correctly. With regular use of marijuana, you can reduce the production of proteins in mind, and save your brain from deteriorating, which is proven by pre-clinical research by the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. Alzheimer’s can also be the cause of aggressive outbursts, hallucinations, or irregular sleep cycles. Cannabis can help you while dealing with these symptoms.
6. Asthma:
Asthma and smoking might seem contradictory at first glance, but it is not entirely harmful. Smoking, undoubtedly, is unhealthy for your body. However, cannabis is less harmful when compared with its counterparts, tobacco, and cigarettes. Apart from that, marijuana can have a dilating effect on the airways. Rather than causing harm, smoking cannabis will help asthma patients in breathing better. In simpler terms, the compounds present in cannabis can expand the airways, making it easier for your lungs to breathe.
7. Menstrual Cramps:
Nearly half of the population is either suffering from menstrual cramps or have been through it, and they can say that menstrual cramps are no less than any disease. It causes immense pain, nausea and mood swings, which the women suffer each month. Cannabis induces products like balms, tinctures, chocolate, and even bath soaks will help reduce the debilitating pain among women, a statement that can be backed by recent research from the National Library of Medicine. Women also suffer from Premenstrual Syndrome, which causes bodily changes and hormonal fluctuations, all leading to mood swings. By using cannabis, you can say goodbye to nausea, cramps, headache, and even bloating.
The benefits of cannabis are plenty, and people have put them to treat ailments for many centuries. Amid the suspicious eyes and strict laws surrounding it, people are still frowning its use until recently. With the recent changes in laws and people opening up again to the idea of using cannabis, its uses are multiplying. Shatter, a cannabis extract, can treat many diseases and help reduce the symptoms where it cannot cure, bringing relief to millions of people around the globe. If the use of marijuana is legal in your country, and after taking the proper consultation of your doctor, you can use it to tackle any health issues. Let us know in the comments if cannabis helps you live life a little better.
About The Author:
Tammy Taylor is a full-time content marketing specialist. He has been closely studying the cannabis industry trends from quite some time. He has worked for various domains before came to the cannabis industry. When he is not working, Tammy likes to work out, trying new foods and playing with his dog.