Discover Natural Skincare Solutions For Oily Skin

Skincare for oily skin needs consistency and patience. In this article, you will find a natural skincare routine you can follow to help achieve healthy skin.
Table of Contents
- Why you should adopt a natural skincare routine for oily skin
- What causes oily skin?
- Natural beauty tips for oily skin
- How to control oily skin naturally
- Daily face care for oily skin at home
- Foods for oily skin
- Homemade remedies for oily skin
- Homemade face masks for oily skin
- Makeup for oily skin
- Conclusion
Why you should adopt a natural skincare routine for oily skin
Natural skincare for oily skin is, in my view, the best. Natural ingredients do not irritate your skin, which can often result in increased oil production.
Natural skincare ingredients nourish and help control oily skin. Synthetic ingredients often just mask the problem or make it worse.
What causes oily skin?
Oily skin is the trouble of many. Oily skin is when your sebaceous glands are overactive. You will find that the areas that are most affected are your forehead, nose, and chin.
Even people with normal skin can have oily areas on the face. Usually on the nose.
Oily skin develops during puberty. Sometimes oily skin can continue into adulthood. But if you care for it properly, then you can manage oily skin.
To help you control oily skin naturally, you need to understand a little more about it.
Sebaceous glands produce oil and the oil is the natural moisturiser for your skin. With oily skin, sebaceous glands produce too much oil. Skin looks shiny as a result.
Dust and dirt get mixed with the oil, which blocks your skin’s pores. This process also blocks the skin’s ability to get rid of the oil. Once the pores are blocked, more and more oil and dirt get trapped making pores look larger.
Oily skin is less likely to be sensitive, but it is susceptible to infection.
There are many causes for oily skin.
- Incorrect skincare routine
- Problems with the nervous system
- Regular gastrointestinal (stomach) problems
- Lack of vitamins and minerals for healthy skin
- Eating too much-processed food
As you get older, the skin produces less oil. Dry skin is quite common among older people.
Natural beauty tips for oily skin
Firstly, hygiene is essential when looking after oily skin at home. Avoid touching your face. Hands and nails need to be clean when touching the skin on your face. You should avoid removing spots and blackheads unless you know how, and always with clean hands and tools.
How to control oily skin naturally
The main aims should be to control oily skin by removing the excess oil; to reduce enlarged pores, to remove any dirt, and to balance oil production.
So, you need to focus on cleaning, nourishing, and protecting your skin.
Daily face care for oily skin at home
In the morning wash your face with warm water with a soap that contains sulfur or glycerine. This is especially helpful if you suffer from blackheads. Sulfur removes the oil from the skin and is a natural exfoliator.
Tone using a natural toner (below) and moisturise with a non-comedogenic moisturiser.
In the evening you should wash your face more thoroughly. Use a face wash or soap that contains salicylic acid or sulfur soap. Then rinse your face with cold water mixed with vinegar (1 tablespoon of vinegar to 1 litre of water).
Follow the same steps as in the morning.
Foods for oily skin
Take vitamin A with food. You can find this in foods like liver and carrots. Supplement your diet with cod liver oil, which is rich in vitamin A. Add brewer’s yeast to your healthy nutrition plan, because it is full of B vitamins. Brewer’s yeast has been found to contain 17 vitamins and minerals including the entire B family, 16 amino acids, and 14 essential minerals. Brewer’s Years has 46% protein and almost no sugar or fat.
If you have oily skin, eat more fresh fruit and vegetables. This will help control oily skin naturally.
Homemade remedies for oily skin
You can care for oily skin with a number of homemade recipes. Create a natural toner with beneficial herbs to help control oily skin naturally.
Homemade toner recipes
Recipe 1
½ glass of water
1 teaspoon of glycerine
1 teaspoon of lemon juice
Mix well. Use a cotton pad to apply.
Recipe 2
1 teaspoon of sage
1 teaspoon of chamomile
300ml of boiling water
Make it into a tea and leave for 3 hours.
Recipe 3
Cut a whole lemon into sections
Cover with warm water (that had been boiled)
Use this as a toner by dipping a cotton pad into the mixture and applying it to the face morning and night.
Homemade face masks for oily skin
Oily skin, just like dry skin, needs nourishment. Nourishment is important to replace the natural oils that are needed for healthy skin. These homemade face masks for oily skin will clear and nourish your skin.
1. DIY Egg face mask
This egg face mask shrinks the pores on the face and balances the PH of your skin.
Add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to the egg yolk. Mix well. Leave for 10 minutes. Rinse and moisturise. Apply this egg face mask once a week.
2. White clay mask – Kaolin
White clay or kaolin sucks out the dirt and oil from your skin. To make a kaolin mask:
Add some white clay powder to water to make a consistency of soured cream. Apply to face avoiding eyes and lips. Leave for 20 minutes. Wash your face first with warm and then with cold water. Apply this natural face mask once a week.
Makeup for oily skin
To help control oily skin avoid applying thick layers of makeup. This can clog pores and cause increased oil production. Always check the label for ingredients in makeup to make sure they are non-toxic and non-comedogenic (do not block pores). Consider water-based makeup.
You can apply some simple mineral powder to your face before going out. Mineral powder absorbs excess oil and protects skin from dust and dirt.
At night, always make sure you remove all makeup.
Getting rid of oily skin will take some time and effort. It might be that you will always have oily skin to some extent. These wonderful homemade remedies for oily skin will help control oily skin naturally.
If you follow natural skincare for oily skin, you can alleviate the problems oily skin can cause, such as acne and blemishes. Just make sure you are consistent with your skincare routine.
Image Credit:
Image 1 – FreePik
Image 2 – Image created by All Day Health and Fitness Team