All You Need to Know to Structure the Best CrossFit Workout for Yourself

CrossFit Workout was started a couple of decades ago. Since then, it has gained a lot of popularity as a fitness routine all over the world. A lot of gyms offer fitness programs which include workouts using CrossFit machine and other equipment. It is a great way to achieve your fitness goals.
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What is CrossFit?
CrossFit workouts are designed using a combination of functional movements at a high level of intensity. CrossFit is an exercise routine that includes weight-lifting, gymnastics, and high-intensity interval training (HIIT).
CrossFit helps you improve your fitness and performance in cardiovascular endurance, balance, agility, and stamina, among other things. The best CrossFit workouts show visible results in your fitness and stamina in a short time.
What Does a CrossFit Workout Include?
If you go to a CrossFit gym, or if your gym offers a CrossFit workout program, it is typically structured to include the following exercises –
- Warm-Up: Warming up before CrossFit exercises, helps your muscles get ready for the upcoming workout. It helps enhance your performance and reduces the risk of injury. [Duration: 12-15 minutes]
- Workout of the Day (WOD): WOD is the crux of your CrossFit workout. Usually, the CrossFit WOD comprises a certain number of exercises and reps that should be completed as quickly as possible. Or, do as many reps as possible within a time constraint. [Duration: 10-20 minutes]
- Skill & Strength Training: Varying your workout is key to a well-structured CrossFit routine. CrossFit strength workouts include exercises like deadlifts, squats, etc. Skill workouts include activities such as muscle-ups, one-legged squats, etc. [Duration: 15-20 minutes]
- Cooldown Exercises / Stretching: Often underrated, the cooldown is an essential part of the CrossFit workout. Stretching helps your muscles cool down without cramping or getting injured. [Duration: 10-15 minutes]
How to Structure a CrossFit Workout & Which Exercises to Include?
To structure your own CrossFit workout, it is a good idea, to begin with, a standard CrossFit exercise list. Include exercises that you can do with and without equipment. Here is a list of exercises that you can include in your workout –
- Short sprints/power jogging on the spot
- Squats
- Rope climbing
- Jumping on and off a CrossFit box
- Pull-ups / Body rows for those who cannot complete a pull-up
- Chin-ups
- Ball toss exercise
- Push-ups
- Deadlift using dumbbells or CrossFit Kettlebell Workouts
- Jumping rope
- Triceps dips
Classic CrossFit Workouts
Instead of structuring a new CrossFit workout for yourself, you can choose from a list of classic workouts. Here are three traditional CrossFit workouts to try today –
- Angie – The Angie Workout comprises of four exercises:
- Pull-ups (100 reps)
- Press-ups (100 reps)
- Sit-ups (100 reps)
- Squats (100 reps)
All exercises must be done as fast as possible within a time constraint for the best results.
- Grace – This is a workout that combines strength, speed, and flexibility. Choose a barbell weight from 135lbs or 95lbs for the Grace workout. In this workout, you need to perform 30 clean-and-jerk lifts.
- Murph – Also known as the Hero WOD, the Murph workout is named after a martyred Navy SEAL. The Murph is a marathon workout, and it involves –
- One mile run
- Pull-ups (100 reps)
- Push-ups (200 reps)
- Air Squats (300 reps)
- One mile run
If you are a beginner, reduce the number of reps or break them up into smaller groups. Pace yourself to save your strength and stamina for the final one-mile run and scale the movements wherever required.
CrossFit workouts are a great way to build skill, strength, and stamina. It helps you work out all your muscle groups to stay fit and to keep your body flexible. Do you have a favorite CrossFit workout? Drop-in a word in the comments below and let us know!
Author Bio:
SF HealthTech with a single goal in mind – to bring the high-quality, international standard exercise equipment to help fitness enthusiasts and athletes reach the next level of fitness. When he’s not working on new equipment ideas and designs, he loves to create educational content about health, fitness, nutrition, and wellness. He also writes to help budding entrepreneurs on running and growing a business, based on his experience.