Ultimate Guide To Ace Surya Namaskar Form

One of the best steps to embrace a peaceful and healthy lifestyle is yoga and meditation.
Well, we all know how effective these techniques can be to eradicate all the negativities and health issues of your life without any side effects.
And Surya Namaskar is the easiest and most famous type of yoga Asana that ensures complete health and well-being.
However, there is more to surya namaskar steps than just joining your hands and welcoming the sun.
There are different techniques to ace it. Read more about it below:
- Hastauttanasana – Take a deep breath in. Raise your arms back and up, keeping your biceps close to your ears. Stretch thoroughly and make sure your entire body is up on your heels.
- Pranamasana – Place your feet on the edge of your yoga mat. Place your feet together and distribute your weight evenly across both feet. Inhale deeply and raise both hands to the sides. Exhale by bringing your palms together in a prayer position in front of your chest.
- Hastapadasana – You might find this way of Surya Namaskar a bit difficult, but with time, you’ll be able to ace it perfectly. Just Inhale deeply and bend forward entirely from the waist. Bring your hands down to the floor beside your feet as you exhale completely.
- Dandasana – These Surya namaskar steps help you to gain stability and even improve attentiveness. You only need to stand as still as a stick and take long breaths, closing your eyes.
- Ashtanga Namaskar – Getting a bit more complex now do try the Ashtanga Namaskar. You only have to bring your knees to the ground. Move your hips back, forward, and rest your chest and chin on the floor. This ideally means that all eight parts of your body (hands, feet, knees, chest, and chin) should touch the floor.
- Bhujangasana – Famously known as the cobra pose, this asana is comparatively difficult to try but definitely has lots of hidden benefits. You gain potentiality and balance over your entire body and even stay fit and flexible. To test this, raise your erect spine forward while resting your lower body on the floor. Look up at the ceiling while supporting your upper body with your hands on the sides.
- Adho Mukho Svanasana – the main idea of this asana is to form your body in an inverted V form. This result is better, stability and balancing power along with more concentration.
All these Surya namaskar steps are almost related to one another. That is why practicing them is pretty easy. Once you ace them well and become an expert in these poses, you will lose calories like magic.
Believe us, these asanas involve working out of your entire body, and that is why it benefits each and every part of it. So if you want to become fitter and live a healthier lifestyle, practicing them is a must.
About The Author:
Honey Sriwas is an entrepreneur, blogger, and marketer. He’s also the founder of BlogMusketeer.com, a leading web development, and marketing agency.