Is Pregnancy After 40 is Dangerous if You Take Necessary Precaution?

There is no doubting your chances of getting pregnant are very lower now than they were just a few years before. According to the studies, some professionals said that it is quite impossible to even get pregnant with the help of your eggs. But our observations noted that many 40-plus women could easily get pregnant with a healthy delivery. However, some women take advice from those fertility treatments while some do not prefer that. Also, we have seen that there are much more benefits for you to keep waiting to have some children which are also beneficial for both you and your beloved child.
Getting pregnant at any age comes from many advantages and disadvantages. We talked with many 40-plus newly moms and noted down their pieces of advice and experience about getting pregnant after 40 what it seems to look like for them. If we talk about specialists and professionals for getting pregnant after 40 is risky or not, their pieces of advice maybe have some pros and cons which will keep in mind for those 40-plus women who want to get pregnant now, let us have a look at some advantages and disadvantages of getting pregnant after forty:
Before starting the benefits, I want to tell you something, do you remember your old school days where we learned about biology in our biology tuition, and there was a topic about pregnancy and its side-effects, and they perfectly described each and everything accurately. There was a discussion related to women’s egg, same as this, pregnancy is all about how strong women’s egg is to conceive pregnancy as soon as possible. And there is no relation between age and pregnancy. If you’re healthy enough and have robust eggs capability, then you can be getting pregnant even after forty.
Let’s discuss the advantages now, we just point out some important factors about getting pregnant late can be beneficial for you because:
You Are Matured Enough to handle the pregnancy period practically. Apparently, the noted advantage of expecting late in your forties is that you have had a lot of exact time to grow and to explore the world. You are even more secure in both financially and emotionally and more you are even more comfortable in your career. It’s just likely you and your partner have had the more possible chance to get to more closely and to know each other in a variety of conditions, which can be trustworthy support for raising a family.
You Are Smarter Enough to handle the parenting time, even more, better as compared to those young mothers. There is also much evidence, and suggestions available to be considered as that older mothers are, in overall, better educated than young mothers and make sensible parenting choices. They are also even more expected to do breastfeed and, according to the studies, make healthier nutritional supplies for children, such as choosing whole fruits instead of sweets or sugary drinks.
You Are More Financially Secure to support your family further and raise your child accordingly. Financial stability is the most significant advantage of having babies in the late 40s’. A study has shown that a woman’s average earnings increase up to 9 percent for every other year she postpones to actually having a child.
However, a mother of five and sales director at a company, says that at 41 her energy levels drop down as compared to before, but on the other hand she believes that she is a wiser and even more friendly and patient parent.
As you know, you are more in pressure in your 20s and your 30s, and when you become pregnant at that age period, you will become more hyper and maybe sometimes failed to be a good parent.
Well, if there are advantages than surely it has a lot of difficulties too. You may be going to face a hard time in getting pregnant after forty. The most significant disadvantage is not to get pregnant until your 40s is notable:
- It’s become harder for you to get pregnant after wait for long. That’s because your egg supply is going to be decreased accordingly as you aged, and those older eggs are more possible to have chromosomal difficulties, in which there will be more chance of miscarriage and even birth defects.
- Researchers also found that 40-year-old women approached for infertility had an only 25 percent chance of getting pregnant with the help of their own eggs. But when the age crosses to 43 than 25 percent dropped to 10 percent, and by 44 it had even more fallen to 1.6 percent. With those women who did get pregnant successfully after forty, the miscarriage rate was become higher according to their age.
- In the age period of the 40s, you are far more liable to catch more possible problems like high blood pressure and even diabetes throughout the pregnancy as well as placental problems and birth difficulties.
- Women who are older than 40 are more prone to deliver a low-birth-weight or maybe a preterm baby.
- Do remember one thing that is waiting to have children till you cross the 40s will give you an advantage related to your financial statement only, not more like that.
A recent study from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists shows that how to actually increases your chances of getting pregnant. They also report that the average childbearing age for a woman is now before 29.3 years of age. In 1968 the average age was considered as 23.
Getting pregnant after forty has less chance to deliver a perfectly healthy baby. It is not about baby only, but your health is also significant in that manner. According to studies and researchers, half of the women over 40 own some fertility problems. You have almost a 5 percent chance to further getting pregnant in every single ovulation cycle. At the age of 40, your chance of getting pregnant within a year is roughly about 40 to 50 percent, as compared to a woman in her mid-30s, who has a 75 percent chance even to get pregnant quickly. But over the age of 43, a woman’s chance of getting pregnant is likely to 1 or 2 percent.
It is not even dangerous to get pregnant after forty, as yes it has many side-effects and fewer possibilities of pregnancy but with the help of your caregiver you will definitely find out many solutions to even get pregnant after 40. Get some clear action plan for conception or concentrate on those fertility options that are available easily. You should have to remember one thing that childbearing after the age of 40 has to be given even more individual attention and is not as familiar as it is before your 40’s.
About The Author:
Julie is a Professional health writer, experienced blogger, and a coach. She is a writer by day and a reader by night. She also loves to write about beauty, education, technology etc. Moreover, She is working with