Experience – My First Appointment with Gynecologist in Delhi

For girls who are growing up, going through a huge transformation in the body due to adulting, visiting a gynecologist becomes is a must. They, the gynecologists are professionals qualified to answer all the question you might have about your first-period, abnormal blood discharge, pain in the vagina, etc.
However, the first appointment with a gynecologist is never an easy task. There’s a lot of things one has to think about, especially because they will have to share a lot of personal information with the gynecologist, who, practically, is a stranger. This whole experience can be extremely awkward, especially if you are not used to talking about such stuff. But, remember one thing – every woman feel nervous or uncertain before their visit to the gynecologist. So, it’s all right! Just don’t let your fear or awkwardness get over you and make you cancel your appointment.
As said above, gynecologists have all the answers you need, and so a visit is a must. If it helps you, I had my first appointment with a gynecologist in Delhi when I was 14. Still an 8th grader, I had the same fears and insecurities like every 14-year teenager might have. So, just like all the teenagers feeling nervous while booking their first appointment, it took me seven days to book my appointment with my gynecologist in Delhi. Yet, once booked, I had gone on the date and time fixed in the appointment and believe me, the experience was not as I was expecting. He told me the blood coming out of my vagina was completely normal and also explained the science behind the process. Apart from that, before doing a pelvic treatment, he made sure I was comfortable and in control.
Moving on, taking a cue from my own experience with my gynecologist in Delhi, below are answers to some questions you would like to know.
- 13-14 is the best time to book your first appointment with your gynecologist. That said, don’t worry if you have missed the window, you can book your appointment as soon as you realize theirs a need and everything will be fine. Again, if you face problems such as abnormal vaginal discharge, blood, etc. even though you are less than 13 years of age. In fact, you don’t need a reason to schedule an appointment with your gynecologist, you should start visiting the Doctor once you cross 13 years of age to discuss and know about the sexually transmitted disease, their screening and prevention, and to get other health care advice that may help you prevent problems.
- Your grooming doesn’t matter to the Doctor but maintains the basic hygiene level. Yes, your doctor doesn’t care whether you’re groomed or un-groomed down under. However, they do mind basic hygiene, and they won’t tell you but would like you to take a shower before you visit them or use a vaginal hygiene wipe prior to your visit.
- It is completely okay to ask your mom or bestie to tag along. Your gynecologist wouldn’t mind your mother or your best friend visiting them along with you as long as you are comfortable. In fact, they would even let the person stay while doing a pelvic test if that makes you comfortable. Not just that, whether it is a female doctor or a male one, they will always be assisted by a female chaperone if a pelvic exam is needed.
- What will happen at your first gynecological appointment? It’s okay to be nervous thinking about what will happen during your first appointment with your gynecologist, but don’t worry. In your first meeting, the gynecologist will, in an attempt to make you feel comfortable, will talk about your family medical history, your sexual health and other important things.
- Drink some water before you show up — you’re going to pee in a cup. Yup. Drink enough water before visiting your Doctor because you will have to pee in a cup during your gynecologic exam. When you pee in a cup, your urine is used by the gynecologist to perform a test known as ‘dipstick’ test. The results of these tests are used to find the problems you might be suffering from. For example, finding bacteria which can suggest a bladder infection or finding sugar (glucose) may suggest you have diabetes.
Lastly, don’t worry, the conversation you have with your gynecologist is extremely private and nobody will know about it.
About The Author:
This Article provided by Rahul Yadav, working as an SEO analyst at Pristyn care. He is always willing to learn new digital marketing tools and technology. Rahul has proven track record content marketing. He knows how to optimize these tools for marketing purpose. The guy avid drinker of red wine; self-proclaimed steak expert; all-around cool guy.