Don’t Let The Fat Gather Around Your Belly During Lockdown Time

We cannot go out during the lockdown time. But that does not mean we would get out with a fat belly when it’s over. There are tons of workouts you can easily do at home and keep yourself in the best shape and health.
Because fat is most likely to gather around our belly first, so including some core and abdominal exercises into the daily workout routine is important. People get your workout tank tops and shorts because there is no skipping the workout. Let’s burn some fat today.
Even if you don’t want to do complete body workouts, you can just do these exercises. Because getting out of quarantine with a fat belly is the last thing you would want.
Working out is not just for physical fitness, it will keep you sane and mentally healthy during the coronavirus epidemic lockdown. You don’t need any weights or machines for these workouts, so no chance left to skip.
Table of Contents
Spine, hips, obliques, abdomen, abs, shoulders, and neck muscles make up the core. We will start with planks as it focuses on these muscles and is one of the easiest exercises.
Everyone knows how to do planks, for the ones who do not. Place your elbows below the shoulders, and feet on the ground. Balance the body just on elbows and feet while keeping the back straight. Keep the neck and legs straight too. Don’t let the back arch.
This is all you have to do. Just keep on doing it long enough and you will feel the burn. It seems very easy, but it isn’t. You can try other plank variations too.
For instance, should the elbow plank for as long as you can. Then switch to hands instead of elbows and hold the plank. As you get tired, switch back to elbows and go as long as you can. Take a minute of rest and repeat.
Mountain climber exercise
Mountain climber exercise is fun and a must-add to a daily workout. It is as easy and simple as you are thinking, the name reveals it all. You would probably be able to do it perfectly in the first try.
This fun yet challenging workout is enjoyable and works on abs and back muscles well. You will burn a lot of calories too. Let’s have a look at how you can do these.
Just get down on your hands and feet, like a pushup position. The hands should be shoulder width apart and feet hips width apart. Bring one knee to the chest slowly and take it back slowly.
Then do the same with the other leg and continue. Congratulations you are climbing the imaginary mountain. Place a soft cloth under your hands and now you move forward too. In this case make sure the floor surface is smooth.
Leg raise
Leg raise exercise is great and one of the major ones when it’s come to gain a strong core and great abs. To start, lie down on your back. Brace the upper body and lift the legs up straight.
Try to keep the back flat on the mat or floor. Try to lift the legs up at a 90 degree angle, but it is okay to go as high as you can. Remember to keep the legs straight and move them up and down slowly.
Bicycle crunch
Once leg raises are complete now is the time for bicycle crunches. To start, place your hands behind the head interlacing position with elbows pointing outwards. Bend the right knee and bring it towards the chest. At the same time bring your left elbow to meet the knee.
Engage your abdomen and back to lift yourself off the floor and connect the knee and elbow. Hold the position for three seconds as the knee and elbow meet then move back to the initial position. Repeat the movie with alternate leg and arm and this counts as one rep.
Lie on the back in a straight line with both hands reaching over the head. Now slowly lift your legs up at about a 45 degree angle and the arms to touch the feet.
All of your body will be bent in a U position. Come back to the initial position slowly and repeat. Keep the feet and arms together the whole time.
Making it a complete exercise
Start with the elbow plank, hold it for at least one minute. Without any rest, quickly switch to a straight arm plank and hold it for one minute. Then switch to mountain climber and continue doing it for two minutes.
Without taking rest in between switch to leg raisers, followed by bicycle crunches and jackknife. For leg raisers bicycle crunches, and jackknife do 20 reps of each one.
This is your one set. If it feels too hard, take half a minute rest after mountain climber and then after jackknife.
Do 3 to 5 sets of these. You can increase the time to 2 minutes for planks and do 30 reps of leg raisers bicycle crunches, and jackknife.